Friday 3 August 2012

Only Revolutions

I set up this blog at the start of June and honestly Ive neglected it alot more that I thought I would, my initial plan was that I would hopefully have a job for the Summer so then I would be able to afford to go on more trips and buy clothes so I could blog about all of that but unfortunately I did not get a job this Summer and although Ive been out on different nights blogging about being at nightclubs is not exactly what I intended to put  in my blog.
On the positive side of things after being reminded about my blog today Ive been inspired to start it up again, I currently have no camera because my sister has been away at the Gaeltacht for three weeks and is in possession of it. This is quite annoying and is also another reason why I havent really been blogging because I like adding photos to my posts since alot of them consist of either my art pieces or social events but she is back this weekend so I will be able to photograph all the August antics I get up too.
I also hate adding titles to my posts so from now on I think I will just use song or album titles when its possible.

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